Doctor In The House title Student doctor Michael Upton (Barry Evans) Duncan Waring (Robin Nedwell) Dick Stuart-Clark (Geoffrey Davies) Paul Collier (George Layton) Dave Briddock (Simon Cuff) Huw Evans (Martin Shaw) Professor Geoffrey Loftus (Ernest Clark) New boys Waring and Upton are tricked by Paul Collier Stuart-Clark tries sell Upton the latest in plastic skeletons for anatomy class - strictly on approval of course... Laurence Bingham (Richard O'Sullivan) was often the butt of the gang's jokes Nurse Sandra Crumpton (Sammie Winmill), one of Duncan's girlfriends Doctor In The House group shot Professor Beaumont (Frank Wilson) of St. Barnabus Hospital, Sydney, Australia Down Under colleague Griffin (John Derum) Dick and Duncan's secretary Linda (Jennifer Mellet) knew how to handle them... Griffin listens to Dick's latest scheme "What did you say about Professor Beaumont, Duncan?" "I said he was a... cracking good doctor... oh hello, Professor..." Doctor At The Top cast lineup Duncan's wife, Geraldine Waring nee Loftus (Georgina Melville) Emma Stuart-Clark (Jill Benedict), Dick's scheming wife Dick's rebellious daughter Rebecca (Chloe Annett before Red Dwarf & Crime Traveller!) The weasel-like Lionel Snell (Roger Sloman)