// http://www.galactical.co.uk/chameleoncircuit/java/tigra_hints.js

Season 22:
The Mark of the Rani
Cover status:   Cover status:   Cover status:   Cover status:
2 Black Sheep
3 Retro
  2 new template
1 std cover
  to follow   to follow

McGann logo/Black Sheep style
video covers
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My cover for The Mark of the Rani My alternative cover for The Mark of the Rani      

Diamond logo/'Retro' style
video covers
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BBC cover fir The Mark of the Rani My version of the BBC cover for The Mark of the Rani My alternative cover for The Mark of the Rani    

My new DVD template cover
(photo-montage and artwork variants)
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My photo-montage cover for The Mark of the Rani DVD My artwork cover for The Mark of the Rani DVD      

My standard style DVD cover Back to top
My cover for the official release of The Mark of the Rani        

Alternative style DVD cover Back to top

CD cover using McGann logo Back to top

CD Cover to follow

Audio cassette cover using
McGann logo
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Cassette Cover to follow